Last Update: Sep 15 2024 3:09PM


DressageSheet · Langenhagen - Twenge · CCI 1*-Intro 2000 & older

No.Rider Horse
375Inga-Brita ROHRBACHGERBelle Amira
Verband der Züchter und Freunde des Ostpreussischen Warmblutpferdes Trakehner Abstammung e.V. (TRAK) | mare | chestnut | 8 | by FLAKON GO out of BELLE MOUSIQUE GO by HAMLET GO | Gisela Gorlo Trakehner Gestüt Gorlo | Inga-Brita ROHRBACH

01Enter working trot, Track left, proceed down center line without halting66,5
02Circle left 10 meters65
03Show some lengthened strides in trot66
04Turn down center line. Leg yield to the left6,56
05Working canter right lead67
06Circle right 15 meters66,5
07Show some lengthened strides in canter. Develop working canter44
08Working trot. Circle right 10 meters5,54
09Show some lengthened strides in trot66
10Halt, immobility 5 seconds, Proceed medium walk76,5
11Free walk on a long rein. Medium walk76
12Working trot5,54
13Turn down center line, Leg yield to the right66
14Working canter left lead66,5
15Circle left 15 meters76
16Lengthen strides in canter. Develop working canter76
17Working trot66
18Begin to allow the horse to stretch forward and down in rising trot6,56
19Half circle left 20 meters, rising trot, letting the horse stretch forward and down66
20Re-take the reins. Turn down center line64
21Halt, immobility and salute77
22Harmony of Athlete and Horse6,56