Last Update: Aug 16 2024 4:01PM


DressageSheet · Arville 2024 · CCIO4*-NC-S · Prix Adeps

No.Rider Horse
528Tine MAGNUSBELChampagne Pia Z
Stud-book Zangersheide (ZANG) | gelding | grey | 16 | by CHABLIS I Z out of QURIEUZE-PIA Z by QUINAR Z | Lenaerts Wilfried | Maessen - Geurts

01Enter collected canter. Halt, salute and proceed in collacted trot. Track right7,57
02Extended trot. Collected trot77
03Transition to and from extended trot77
04Turn down centr line. Shoulder-in left on center line7,57
05Half-pass left. Collected trot77
06Half-pass right6,56,5
07Shoulder-in right on center line. Collected trot7,56,5
08Turn right. Turn right. Halt, immobility6,56,5
09Rein back 5 steps and proceed in collected walk. Collected walk. Turn left76,5
1020-meter half circle left in extended walk. Transition to collected walk6,57
11Collected eanter left. 20-meter circle left in medium canter6,56,5
12Collected canter. Hal-pass left and procedd down center line77
13Track left. Change rein with a flying change over I6,57
14Collected canter. Half circle right 20 meters in medium canter. Collected canter76,5
15Half-pass right adn procedd down center line77
16Track right. Change rein with a flying change ovver I77
17Collected canter. Half circle left 10 meters and proceed down center line77
18Continue down center line. Halt, immobility, salute77
19Harmony of Athelte and Horse77