Last Update: Aug 15 2024 4:35PM


DressageSheet · Arville 2024 · CCIO4*-NC-S · Prix Adeps

No.Rider Horse
572Florinoor HOOGLANDNEDHontoni
Koninklijk Warmbloed Paarden Stamboek Nederland / Royal Warmblood Studbook of the Netherlands (KWPN) | gelding | black | 12 | by QUASIMODO Z out of ZARAVANTA VTH by NUMERO UNO | J.van Tuinen-Heuker | Gisela RIEDLIN, Hanno RIEDLIN

01Enter collected canter. Halt, salute and proceed in collacted trot. Track right66
02Extended trot. Collected trot6,56,5
03Transition to and from extended trot56,5
04Turn down centr line. Shoulder-in left on center line76,5
05Half-pass left. Collected trot6,56
06Half-pass right6,56,5
07Shoulder-in right on center line. Collected trot66
08Turn right. Turn right. Halt, immobility67
09Rein back 5 steps and proceed in collected walk. Collected walk. Turn left66
1020-meter half circle left in extended walk. Transition to collected walk6,55
11Collected eanter left. 20-meter circle left in medium canter6,56,5
12Collected canter. Hal-pass left and procedd down center line55,5
13Track left. Change rein with a flying change over I66
14Collected canter. Half circle right 20 meters in medium canter. Collected canter76,5
15Half-pass right adn procedd down center line46
16Track right. Change rein with a flying change ovver I11
17Collected canter. Half circle left 10 meters and proceed down center line67
18Continue down center line. Halt, immobility, salute55,5
19Harmony of Athelte and Horse66,5