Last Update: Aug 22 2019 3:41PM


DressageSheet · Millstreet 2019 · Connollys Red Mills CCI4*-S

No.Rider Horse
315Tim PRICENZLXavier Faer
Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain | gelding | bay | 10 | by CATHERSTON LIBERATOR out of FAERIE DAZZLER by CATHERSTON DAZZLER | MRS. T. RICKARDS, BROCKENHURST (GBR | Trisha Rickards, Tim Price & Nigella Hall

01Enter at collected canter. Halt. Salute. Proceed at collected trot. Track right7,57
02Collected trot. Shoulder-in right7,57
03Change the rein in Medium trot. Collected trot76,5
04Turn left. Between D and F, Half-pass left to the opposite quarter line between X and E87
05Half-pass right to the opposite quarter line between G and M. Then track left in Collected trot77
06Collected trot. Shoulder-in left77,5
07Change the rein in Medium trot. Collected trot7,56,5
08Collected trot. Change the rein in Extended trot. Collected trot7,57
09The transitions to and from extended trot77
10Medium walk. Turn left, collected walk at G. Half-pirouette to the left then proceed in medium walk86,5
11Track left. Change the rein in Extended walk76
12Medium walk. Turn right, collected walk at L. Half-pirouette to the right76,5
13Transition to collected canter right. Track right in collected canter77,5
14Serpentine of 2 loops, the first true and the second counter canter, each loop going to the side of the arena.87
15The counter canter in the 2nd loop7,56,5
16Collected canter and turn right. Collected canter. Change the rein with flying change over the centre line55
17Collected canter. Extended canter. Collected canter7,57,5
18Serpentine of 2 loops, the first true and the second counter canter, each loop going to the side of the arena.77,5
19The counter canter in the 2nd loop77
20Collected canter and turn left. Collected canter. Change the rein with flying change over the centre line56
21Collected canter. Extended canter. Collected canter77
22Down centre line in collected canter. Halt. Immobility. Salute87,5
23Overall Impression of Athlete and Horse7,57