Last Update: Apr 18 2013 11:16AM

DressageSheet · Radolfzell-Gut Weiherhof 2013 · CIC 1*

No.Rider Horse
43Martin DRESCHERGERGandalf VM
Verband der Züchter und Freunde des Ostpreußischen Warmblutpferdes Trakehner Abstammung | stallion | bay | 9 | by KONVOI out of GHANI BINT KHAL by KHALED EL ASSUA | Melitta Burger | Melitta Burger

01Enter at working trot. Halt, salute. Proceed in working trot. Track to the left in working trot67
02Working trot. Change the rein in medium trot (sitting or rising)57
03Transition to working trot. Working trot76
04Working trot. Leg-yielding in working trot to X. Half circle left 10 metres to E67
05Working trot. Transition to walk for 3-5 steps over A77
06Working trot. Leg-yielding in working trot to X. Half circle right 10 metres to B55
07Working trot. Turn right Halt, immobility and56
08Rein back 4-5 steps, immediately proceed in medium walk66
09Turn right. Medium walk. Half circle right 20 metres in extended walk. Medium walk66
10The medium walk DKV and PF67
11Working trot. Proceed in working canter (right)45
12Working canter. Medium canter. Half circle right 20 metres between E and B. Working canter77
13Half circle right 10 metres returning to the track at B87
14Counter canter. Half circle left 20 metres between R and S. Working canter76
15Working trot. Working canter left. Working canter77
16Working canter. Medium canter. Half circle left 20 metres between B and E. Working canter77
17Half circle left 10 metres returning to the track at E88
18Counter canter. Half circle right 20 metres between S and R. Working canter77
19Working trot. Half circle right 10 metres to L. Working trot76
20Halt. Immobility. Salute76